Sailing is some of the best fun and opens some of the best opportunities for adventure on the water.
Dinghies, keelboats, cruisers, racers, adventurers or Sunday-sailors; sailing is diverse, accessible for all abilities and provides some excellent pathways for leadership, teamwork, fun and personal development.
Pottering about the local harbour, sailing-in-company on a coastal passage or the exhilarating thrill of flying a spinnaker and reaching out on a trapeze. Sailing offers challenge, enjoyment and a sense of adventure.
In Ireland, Irish Sailing is the National Governing Body for sailing, windsurfing and powerboating and are great supporters and friends of Scouting Ireland.
Scouting Ireland is proud to be a National Affiliated Organisation with Irish Sailing allowing us to utilise the support and expertise of Irish Sailing for guidance to our Scouting Groups.
You can find out more about Irish Sailing HERE.
At present, several Sea Scouting Groups have been accredited as Irish Sailing Training Centres in order to offer recognised sailing and powerboat training opportunities to their members.
We are very proud of these Groups who have made an extra commitment to the quality of their training resources, safety standards and operational planning in order gain this recognition.
This is a pathway we would certainly encourage more water-based Scouting Groups to attain.
Malahide Sea Scouts
Dun Laoghaire Sea Scouts
Galway Sea Scouts
Sailing requires additional training and equipment in order for it to be a safe and valuable addition to your scouting programme.
At times this can be a barrier and the rhetoric is that sailing is expensive. This is not often the case and with correct advice water-activities can be very accessible for everyone.
Other sailing supporting sailing bodies worth looking into include;
Sail Training Ireland – charity that funds and supports the development of young people often through tall-ship sailing expeditions.
Sailing into Wellness – charity supporting personal development, resilience and social encouragement through sailing.
See below the approximate translation of Scouting Ireland Sailing Adventure Skills and Irish Sailing skills certificates.
Get in contact with us if you hold one of the below certificates from Irish Sailing and we can support the relevant recognition of Adventure Skill.
All sailors seeking Stage 8 and Stage 9 must first complete a Stage 7 Advanced Assessment (unless already awarded the Irish Sailing Advanced Boat Handling Certificate).
This ensures all sailors; cruiser or dinghies are on the same foot.
Contact the Sailing Adventure Skills Team