110 Years of Sea Scouting in Ireland

110 Years of Sea Scouting in Ireland

To mark 110 years of Sea Scouting in Ireland we are asking Sea Scout Groups to share the benefits of Sea Scouting!

The Sea Scout programme is not always easily doable for all Scout Groups, there are also groups who struggle to find someone to help them achieve the water based adventure skills badges.

This year we are asking Sea Scout Groups to take up this task to share their skills & expertise with groups they know – or even groups they are yet to meet.

Take a group kayaking to your bivvy spot, bring them sailing to the best sunrise spot or go for row around the harbour. There are no limitations – except for the need for water!

Make it age-appropriate and make it your own!

These are available for €1.20 each plus €5 postage. (eg. that would be €1.20 by 15 badges plus €5 postage is a total of €23)

Order form is available here: https://forms.gle/t123CZTAQ1D1b11F7

More details can slo be found in our info document:

We will close the order book on the 31st of May.