Welcome Aboard!

Welcome Aboard!

THANK YOU to the Commissioners of Irish Lights and the Irish Institute of Master Mariners for inviting the previous Master Mariner Competition winners and runners-up for a memorable experience onboard the Granuaile.

The Ventures and Rovers were welcomed aboard by the Chief Mate before getting a fascinating and VIP tour with Captain Dermot Gray and 2nd Officer Brian Sinnott.

A bilge-to-bridge inspection of the impressive vessel alongside a demo of ROV operations and a presentation of all the activities the ship and crew get up to!

Irish Institute of Master Mariners

2023 Master Mariner Competition Programme

2023 Master Mariner Competition Programme

The Master Mariner competition is an annual seamanship event for Ventures & Rovers.
It is supported and sponsored by the Irish Institute of Master Mariners.

The 2023 Master Mariner Competition will be held on Sunday 5th March at the National Maritime College of Ireland, Cork Harbour.
Hosted by 9th Port (Malahide) and 1st Port (Ringsend) Sea Scouts.

Syllabus & Format

See below details for the 2023 competition programme.


10th January – Online Information Session (7pm).
Thinking of entering? Find out details and format of the competition, ask any questions and meet some of the examiners.
Slides presented at the information night

28th January – Competitors Training Day.
1st Port of Dublin (Ringsend) Sea Scout Den
An opportunity to scrub up on some seamanship skills with the experts and meet some of the fellow competitors.
This day is optional.

4th March – Competitors Experience Day.
Irish Naval Headquarters, Haulbowline Island, Cork Harbour
Meet and greet with the examiners and fellow competitors alongside experience some of the facilities and operations of the Irish Naval Service.
This day is optional.

5th March – Master Mariner Competition.
National Maritime College of Ireland, Cork Harbour
Competition Day!


Frequently Asked Questions

  • The syllabus is extensive, do I need to know everything? You don’t! If a competitor doesn’t have huge knowledge on a topic, the examiner will teach them. This will be taken into account in the marking. You should have a reasonable knowledge of at least some of the topics though.
  • How does the day work? Competitors move between checkpoints and meet different examiners. At each checkpoint they run through the topic, using practical tests and tools as much as possible.
  • Is it only for Sea Scouts? It is organised by Sea Scout groups but members of all Scouting Ireland groups may attend. Non-Sea Scouts have won the event in the past.